Nashville Sports Leagues (NSL) is a locally owned and operated company that organizes and hosts recreational sports leagues for adults in the Nashville area. Leagues focus on providing fun as well as bringing individuals and teams together in a solid team-building environment. The rules set forth in this document are designed to increase a team's level of enjoyment and safety within each league. These rules are to be adhered to at all times.
We greatly appreciate any feedback from our teams/captains/players. Please take a few minutes to submit your insight via email using the contact form on the website.
No alcohol is permitted during game play. If you are caught with alcohol, you will be required to remove it from the facility. If a field staff member believes a participant is intoxicated or may jeopardize the safety or wellbeing of another participant, you will be asked to leave the field.
Shirts and shorts/pants are required to participate. Individuals will not be allowed to participate if they do not have shirts and shorts/pants. Only exception is for sand volleyball. Beach wear is permitted for sand volleyball.
Game time is forfeit time.
If your team forfeits a match during the season, the following rules apply:
- The score will be indicated in favor of the team not at fault.
- You will be invoiced for $30, and the opposing team will be rewarded a gift certificate to an NSL sponsor bar (PLEASE NOTE: This does not apply to free agent-based teams).
- To avoid being charged a fee, you must notify the league office by email ( no later than 4:00 PM weekdays and 9:00 AM weekends. Any team with a forfeit will automatically drop to the bottom of any tie-breaking situation in league standings. Teams will not be allowed to continue participation with an open forfeit invoice.
-Forfeit fees cannot be collected from teams who have dropped out of the league or during playoff/tournament games. Therefore, opponents will not receive a gift card.
If you have not completed payment by the start of the first scheduled game of the season, your team will not be allowed to participate. The team registration fee covers only a certain number of participants, which varies from league to league.
A player who participates in one or more games must be on a team's roster. Rosters close at midnight on the final game of the regular season. Once a player signs/accepts either the online roster/waiver form OR signs a waiver/roster form at the facility (“offline”) they count toward the roster size, even if they do not play again. This includes subs, extra players, guest players, drop ins, etc. Players cannot be “replaced” once they are on a team and have played in one game. More information on fees and team sizes:
If rosters are not checked and a team believes their opponent has illegal players a protest must be declared, and IDs checked before the first live ball of the game/match. Once play begins no protests are accepted for perceived illegal participants. If a protest is declared prior to the first live ball and the official does not check rosters the NSL office staff will use the lineups, we receive throughout the season to verify participation.
Given to each team before each game. This is to be filled out by the team captain or representative with every player listed that is participating in the game and given back to your league coordinator or official.
You may pick up a rostered player once from another team in the same league night/division/sport during the regular season. Picking up of players is not allowed in playoffs. A team is NOT allowed to “pick up” a rostered player to create a sub for any match to become over full force. For example, basketball is a 5-player format. A team cannot pick up a player for the team’s 6th spot in any match.
All teams will make the playoffs. NSL reserves the right to make multiple divisions/brackets for playoffs. Only the top bracket is awarded prizes.
In order to participate in the league, each participant must fill out the online or offline waiver/roster form and be over the age of 21. Any person not signing a waiver will be considered an ineligible and illegal player.
All players must also present a photo ID at the park to verify their completion of the waiver and to make sure the name on a team roster corresponds to the individual participating in the league.
Regular Season Eligibility:
- No player is allowed to be on two rosters within the same division.
- No more than two players are allowed to be on a team's roster from a higher division.
- Prior to the start of each playoff game your team will be required to check in with photo identification. If a player is not listed on the roster, they are not eligible to participate.
- To be eligible for the playoffs, each player must participate in at least one regular season game. If an ineligible player is found to participate in the playoffs the team with the ineligible player will be required to forfeit.
- If your team is forfeited on, you must still fill out a line-up card on site which counts towards participation
Each team is required to bring both light and dark colored uniforms to each game to avoid conflicts.
The HOME team is always the team on the right of the schedule listings and is required to have dark colored uniforms. If a team supplies their own uniforms (must all be same color/logo/team info, etc.) they will have first preference on color, therefore it is vital to bring both light and dark color uniforms.
EFFECT: if the visiting team cannot change uniform color due to color conflict the visiting team will be required to forfeit.
- Basketball teams are REQUIRED TO have shirts with numbers on BACK!
Teams may play more than one game per day/night, and/or play games on days/nights other than your regularly scheduled league day/night if necessary. NSL reserves the right to schedule regular/playoff games on days other than the leagues regularly scheduled league day/night.
Teams are seeded according to forfeits, head-to-head, points differential, points against and points for. In the event of a tie with 3 or more teams head-to-head is not applicable.
Any behavior deemed unacceptable for a player or a spectator by a representative of NSL may result in various game penalties including but not limited to game suspension and/or ejection from the league. Doing so may not result in refund. This behavior includes but is not limited to:
- Intentional rough play before, during or after a league/tournament game
- Any verbal or nonverbal confrontation with the opposing team, teammates, spectator or official
Anyone that has been ejected from the activity must leave the entire playing area. Refusal to do so may result in a forfeit for the team.
To coordinate and run the leagues, Nashville Sports Leagues officials and/or staff will be available during normal business hours to help the league run as smoothly as possible. If you have questions regarding schedules, policies, rule interpretations, directions to the bar, etc. please ask.
Leagues may be cancelled due to weather conditions, dangerous or unplayable field conditions, facility constraints, etc. NSL staff makes every effort to play all scheduled games, thus we will not cancel games until absolutely necessary. Therefore, if you are contacting NSL concerning a decision on a cancellation, remember we will not have an answer until close to the start of the first scheduled game of that day, sometimes within 1 -2 hours prior to game time. If the league is cancelled, NSL staff will update twitter ( and Facebook ( It is then the captain's responsibility to inform all teammates of the cancellation. Depending on the time of cancellation, some teams will have to be notified on site. If we do cancel always follow the schedule as it appears on the website. The games that are cancelled will be made up towards the end of the season if time allows. NSL reserves the right to run a shortened season without a refund. NSL also reserves the right to schedule games on days other than your regularly scheduled league day/night if necessary.
These policies are designed to make the league run as smoothly and safely as possible and provide continuity for its participants. Each player in the league is responsible for this information: please advise your team of these rules and thanks for playing.
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Feel free to try again, and be sure to grant the requested privileges.
Feel free to try again or contact us for assitance.
Name | Username | Last Login |
These are the accounts with the same email address as your Facebook account ().
If you'd like to use a different account, log into that account using your email (or username) and password, then connect your Facebook account from your Player Page.
*NOTE: In order to keep your site and player info safe, Admin and Staff accounts cannot be linked to Facebook.