Rules, Softball

Nashville Sports Leagues
Coed & Men's Softball Rules
Lineup Card Document 
NSA Bat List (NSL reserves the right to ban a bat at any time without notice)
> Ball List (NSL reserves the right to ban a ball at any time without notice)

    - ALL single header leagues use 12 inch 52 COR / 300 COMP or 52 COR / 275 COMP neon yellow balls.

    - MENS DOUBLE HEADER leagues may use 12 inch 44 COR / 375 COMP neon yellow balls


Games will be played with ten players on the field: minimum three (3) females, maximum 7 males. Regular season games can be played with more than 7 males in the batting line up. For playoffs, each additional male over 7 must be matched with an additional female. 


Teams are required to have one female present to avoid a forfeit. Teams will take an out for each missing female. Teams are also required to have 3 males present to avoid a forfeit. Teams must have a minimum of eight players on the field by the scheduled game time to start and finish the game (max 7 males). An out will be taken for each missing roster spot in the batting order.


Each team is responsible for supplying its own equipment, including but not limited to bats, balls, jerseys, gloves and protective gear. 

NSL HIGHLY recommends that each team provide their protective equipment.
No metals cleats will be allowed.

NSL STRONGLY recommends that pitchers wear a masked helmet for protection.


The home team is the team listed on the right side of the schedule.  The home team will always bat last and take the field first. 


NSL umpires will keep score.

10 RUN MAX per inning
Coed: a team’s turn at bat will be declared over when they reach 10 runs in any given inning. additional runners crossing the plate after the 10th run will not be scored.  EXCEPTION: with runners on base and an over the fence home run there is an opportunity to score up to 13 runs per inning. (Does not apply to final inning of a game.)


A regulation game shall consist of 7 innings or 65 minutes.  No inning will start at 60 minutes or later.

15 runs by the end of the 4th Inning
10 runs by the end of the 5th Inning or after.


When a game is tied at the end of regulation a new inning is started and a runner (last batted out) is placed on second base. At least one full inning is played for a tiebreaker, allowing each team the same chance to score. The inning will start with 0 outs for each team and resume where the kicking/batting order left off from the previous inning. If the score remains tied, we will play another full inning however, the Runner will be placed on 3rd base and the offense will begin with 1 out. The same process is used in each inning after until a victor emerges.

**The batter does NOT have to touch first base upon a hit being declared a home run.
**The progressive (one-up) home run rule will come into effect which each team hits the respected home run rule limit below. Once both teams have hit their respective home run limits, either team may hit an additional home run; however, no team may go more than one home run up on the other team. Any additional home runs above the one-up will be scored as an out.


-Double Headers: 5 home runs progressive. The home team will be allowed to hit a progressive home run once time has expired OR in the bottom of the final inning.
-Competitive/Open Single Headers: 3 home runs progressive
-Social/Recreational Single Headers: 1 home run progressive 

Four balls will advance the kicker. You may not walk a male to get to a female. If this happens, the male will advance to second base and if there are 2 outs the female has the option of kicking or advancing to first base. With 0 or 1 out the female must take her turn at bat. 


Each player will become a batter in the order in which his name appears on the sheet.  The batting order of each team will be complete and delivered to the umpires prior to the start of the first inning.
Coed - minimum requirement guy-guy-guy-girl.
For questions about the 7&3 batting order please view Rule 4, 7/3 Coed, Section 2 Extra Player (EP) in the NSA 2023 Softball Rules Under Part III Coed Softball pg. 49/50

Coed Single Headers - When a female batter is “at bat” all outfielders must be positioned behind the white line located 200’ from home plate. If a female batter makes contact with the ball and an outfielder is within the 200’ line the batter-runner will advance one extra base when the ball is declared dead.

Only men are allowed to pitch in our coed leagues in 7/3 format. Females can pitch if there are 4 or more females on the field. There is an NSA softball rule located in the official NSA softball rulebook


Runners on first or third bases may notify the umpire if they wish to step off the base and stand near the fence to avoid potentially getting hit with a batted ball. Once the ball is hit runners must touch the base before advancing.



When pitching screens are available, they are considered mandatory.
The screen may not be more than 3 feet in front of the pitching rubber and must be within the width of the pitching rubber.
The screen can only be moved between half innings, after it has been dislodged, or when a pitching change has been made.
The pitcher may release the ball from either side of the screen, but must have at least one foot in contact with the pitching rubber.
The pitcher is NOT required to get behind the screen after releasing the ball but IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
If a batter hits the screen, it is a foul ball the first time (courtesy foul rules apply), and an out the second time per at bat.
If the screen is hit with a thrown ball, it will be considered a live ball.
The Halo Rule will not apply when a pitching screen is used.
If a pitching screen is not available, the Halo Rule will be in effect, and a pitching mask will be encouraged.


Pitching masks, face guards and/or pitching screens (when available) are highly suggested for all softball leagues.


Unsportsmanlike Conduct (Hitting Up the Middle)
Any player, heard by the Umpire, Supervisor or League Coordinator, verbally threatening to “shoot the middle” or put another player in danger, will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct. The penalty for this will be ejection from the game by the Umpire and indefinite suspension from the league.