Volleyball Standings

Volleyball (FA23) - Tuesday - Centennial Park - 4v4 Sand

  Team Wins Losses Draws Win
1   Block Party 19 4 0 82.6 439 299 140 38
2   I'll change this later 19 4 0 82.6 435 330 105 38
3   BEACH PLEASE 19 5 0 79.2 433 321 112 38
4   Spike Now (Taylor’s Version) 18 6 0 75.0 402 295 107 36
5   Sand Volleyball Team #3 (Very Good) 15 7 0 68.2 432 345 87 30
6   Volleypeños 15 8 (1)º 0 65.2 356 311 45 29
7   The Hash Slinging Slashers 14 8 0 63.6 405 364 41 28
8   How I Set Your Mother 14 8 0 63.6 410 331 79 28
9   Flamingos! 12 10 0 54.5 367 367 0 24
10   Hits & Giggles 13 11 0 54.2 358 367 -9 26
11   21 Spike Street 12 11 0 52.2 388 332 56 24
12   All Sets Are Off 11 12 0 47.8 368 369 -1 22
13   Volley Llamas 11 (1)º 12 0 47.8 337 308 29 21
14   Dinkin the Ace 11 13 0 45.8 393 408 -15 22
15   I'd Hit That 9 13 0 40.9 370 382 -12 18
16   Sand Slingers 5 17 0 22.7 321 420 -99 10
17   SSOE 5 18 0 21.7 251 415 -164 10
18   Death Volley 4 19 0 17.4 326 431 -105 8
19   The Ace holes 2 20 0 9.1 246 431 -185 4
20   Silliest Geese 0 22 0 0.0 234 445 -211 0
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.