Pickleball Standings

Pickleball - Sunday (FA23) - Centennial Sportsplex (Outdoor)

  Team Wins Losses Draws Win
1   Sweet Peas 23 (1)º 0 0 100.0 223 53 170 45
2   Baum 16 (1)º 6 0 72.7 178 121 57 31
3   Carpe Dinkem 16 7 (1)º 0 69.6 189 132 57 31
4   Dill and Ted's Excellent Adventure 15 (2)º 9 0 62.5 170 144 26 28
5   Free Agents 1 15 9 0 62.5 186 173 13 30
6   Dinks & Drinks 13 (3)º 10 (1)º 0 56.5 128 109 19 22
7   Berry Good Team 14 (2)º 11 (2)º 0 56.0 150 100 50 24
8   Dinkin Doughnuts 11 15 (2)º 0 42.3 162 163 -1 20
9   Lola’s Warriors 7 14 0 33.3 147 165 -18 14
10   KL 6 12 0 33.3 124 153 -29 12
11   PB Magic 3 13 (1)º 0 18.8 66 136 -70 5
12   Kind of a Big Dill 3 20 (1)º 0 13.0 65 211 -146 5
13   The Royal Court 2 18 (1)º 0 10.0 81 209 -128 3
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.