Volleyball Standings

Volleyball (FA24) - Sunday - Centennial Park - 4v4 Sand

  Team Wins Losses Draws Win
1   Volley Partons 19 3 0 86.4 435 271 164 38
2   Dr. Blocktapus 19 3 0 86.4 424 285 139 38
3   Setsy and you know it 18 4 0 81.8 429 247 182 36
4   Being Determined 18 4 0 81.8 418 287 131 36
5   Serves You Right 16 (1)º 6 0 72.7 372 278 94 31
6   Strictly Business 15 8 0 65.2 383 338 45 30
7   Funky Fiesta Serves 15 (1)º 8 0 65.2 390 297 93 29
8   Bumpin’ Uglies 14 8 0 63.6 394 359 35 28
9   Sweet Digs 14 (1)º 8 0 63.6 355 313 42 27
10   Big Dig Energy 11 11 0 50.0 358 356 2 22
11   Bananarama 2.0 11 11 0 50.0 366 372 -6 22
12   Reba SmackEntire 11 11 0 50.0 339 396 -57 22
13   Old Kids on the Block 10 12 0 45.5 351 360 -9 20
14   Sandy Cheeks 11 (3)º 14 0 44.0 344 404 -60 19
15   Sticky Bandits 9 16 (4)º 0 36.0 280 364 -84 14
16   Shortstack 6 17 0 26.1 314 383 -69 12
17   How I Set Your Mother 5 17 0 22.7 330 423 -93 10
18   No Shoes No Shirt No Service 4 (3)º 22 0 15.4 302 449 -147 5
19   5G Net-Work 2 23 (5)º 0 8.0 185 391 -206 -1
20   Chewblockas 0 22 0 0.0 247 443 -196 0
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.